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† 9. January 1961 in Cambridge, USA
Nationality at birth: USA
Nationality at death: USA
Area | Type | From | To | Location |
Profession, Activities | Wellesley College, Referentin für Wirtschaftswissenschaften | 1896 | 1913 | Wellesley, Mass., USA |
Profession, Activities | Wellesley College, Professorin für Politische Ökonomie, Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften | 1913 | 1917 | Wellesley, Mass., USA |
Training | Studium u. a. bei Georg Simmel | 1896 | 1896 | Berlin |
School | Bryn Mawr College, Studium der griechischen und römischen Literatur | 1886 | 1889 | Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania |
Training | Sorbonne, Studium der Volkswirtschaft | 1890 | 1891 | Paris, Frankreich |
Training | Harvard University, Ethik | 1893 | 1894 | Cambridge, Mass., USA |
Training | Chicago University, Soziologie und Volkswirtschaft | 1895 | 1896 | Chicago, USA |
Settlement-Bewegung, Gründung eines Settlement-Haus in Boston Eintrittsjahr:
Location: BostonReason for entry:
Function / Activity:
Magistrat der Sadt Boston
Location: BostonReason for entry:
Function / Activity:
Staatskommission für Einwanderung
Location: BostonReason for entry:
Function / Activity:
Komitee für Stadtplanung
Location: BostonReason for entry:
Function / Activity:
Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit
Location: GenfReason for entry:
Function / Activity:
When did the story become known?
Where did the story become known?
Prizes, Awards
Friedensnobelpreis 1946
Literature (literature, films, websites etc.)
Lambert, Tara S. Emily Greene Balch Crusader for Peace and Justice. Huntington, WV: Marshall University Libraries, 2002.
Randall, Mercedes M. Improper Bostonian: Emily Greene Balch, Nobel Peace Laureate, 1946. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1964.
Schraff, Anne E. Women of Peace: Nobel Peace Prize Winners. Collective biographies. Hillside, N.J.: Enslow Publishers, 1994.
Sicherman, Barbara, and Carol Hurd Green. Notable American Women: The Modern Period: a Biographical Dictionary. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1980.
Own works
Emily Greene Balch, Public Assistance of the Poor in France, Vol. 8, Nos. 4 & 5, Publications of the American Economic Association.
Emily Greene Balch, “A Study of Conditions of City Life: with Special Reference to Boston, A Bibliography”, 1903, 13 pages.
Emily Greene Balch, Our Slavic Fellow Citizens. 1910, 536 pages.
Women at the Hague: the International Congress of Women and its Results. Ed. by Jane Addams, Emily Greene Balch, and Alice Hamilton. 171 pages, New York: MacMillan, 1915.
Emily Greene Balch and Pauline Knickerbocker Angell, Approaches to the Great Settlement, 351 pages, published 1918.
- Personality
- Family environment
- Religious attitude
- International Law
- Education