"I want us to have equal opportunities to live, to fight and to be ourselves.

Gabriela Brimmer

"We must raise our voices," she said. We must fight so that disabled people in Mexico have equal rights and become full members of society."

Jorge Pineda
* 12. September 1947 in Mexico
† 3. January 2000 in Mexico
Nationality at birth: Mexico
Nationality at death: Mexico

Miguel Brimmer

† 22. August 1967

Sari Brimmer

* Wien
† December 1982

Florencia Morales Sánchez


David Brimmer

* 1945 Mexico

Alma Florencia Brimmer

* 1977
Country of struggle for human rights: Mexico
Place of the fight for human rights: Mexico City
Area Type From To Location
School Centro de Rehabilitación Mexiko-Stadt
School Universität (UNAM) Mexiko-Stadt
School Secundaria No. 68 Mexiko-Stadt
School Preparatoria Mexiko-Stadt
Profession, Activities Writer Mexiko-Stadt
Profession, Activities Aktivist Mexiko-Stadt


Reason for entry:
Function / Activity:


Reason for entry:
Function / Activity:


Reason for entry:
Function / Activity:

When did the story become known?


Where did the story become known?

Mexiko, USA

By whom did the story become known?


Prizes, Awards

1988: Avon Zazil Preis
1995: Medalla al Mérito Ciudadano (Bürgerliche Verdientsmedaille)

Literature (literature, films, websites etc.)

Antebi, Susan (2009): Carnal Inscribtions. Spanish American Narratives of Corporal Difference and Disability. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Bloch, Avital (2009): Afterword. In: Gaby Brimmer: An Autobiography in Three Voices. University Press of New England. S. 167-188
Heumann, Judith; Pineda, Jorge (2009): Foreword. In: Gaby Brimmer: An Autobiog-raphy in Three Voices. University Press of New England. S. vi–x
Umansky, Lauri (2009): Introduction to the English-language edition. In: Gaby Brimmer: An Autobiography in Three Voices. University Press of New England. S. xi–xxix.

Own works

Poniatowska, Elena (1979): Gaby Brimmer. México, D. F.; Barcelona, Buenos Aires: Editorial Grijalbo.
Poniatowska, Elena (2009): Gaby Brimmer: An Autobiography in Three Voices. University Press of New England.
Brimmer, Gaby (1981): Gaby, un ano despues. México, D. F.; Barcelona, Buenos Aires: Editorial Grijalbo. Brimmer Gaby (1982): Cartas de Gaby. México, D. F.; Barcelona, Buenos Aires: Editorial Grijalbo.

  • Personality
  • Family environment
  • Political attitude
  • Religious attitude
  • Charity (NGOs)
  • Education
  • Solidarity
  • Other




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